Peter DeLay

Master Gunsmith Registered Firearms Dealer

Lock, Stock and Barrel

Peter DeLay - Porky to the trade - is a master gunsmith of more than 40 years experience. A third generation gun maker, Peter was apprenticed to his own father at James Purdey and Sons. Completing his apprenticeship at 21 after 6 years training, Peter went on to become one of Purdey’s leading gun makers.

After 40 years’ service, Peter left Purdey to set up his own business. Peter specialises in repair work and rebarrelling. At his workshop in West London, he has worked on guns by Purdey, Boss, Holland and Holland, Atkin Grant & Lang and EJ Churchill.

A registered firearms dealer, Peter is licenced to build, repair, store and trade in sporting guns.

This is a gunsmith’s gun site. It pays tribute to the craftmanship that goes into building a hand made sporting gun. It reveals a little of the history and tradition of the London gun trade. It has examples of some of the finest sporting guns ever made.

Peter can be contacted on +44 (0)20 8572 7645 or at